The Solutions We Offer

ERP Software
Use the most modern and trusted technologies to properly organize and automate tasks all on an organized, easy to use, and cloud-based infrastructure.

CAM Integration
We install CAM software on updated hardware, so you can continue to model and manufacture all on a cloud-based platform for easy sharing and portability.

Compliancy Audits
Have a team of experts that understand technology and compliance, so that all of your aspects of your business are protected.

Modern Workplace
With a larger remote workforce, understanding the contributions of offsite labor is essential. We offer unique technology that delivers visual performance indicators focused on common tasks individual perform daily.
ERP Software
ERP software is a type of system that manages day-to-day operations such as accounting, project management, risk management, supply chain operations, and manufacturing operations. Easy installation of ERP software will reap great rewards, by solidating all major operations into one secure, and structured area.
The next important question that arises, is which of the many ERP’s should I choose for my business. Not only can TechCentric help and guide you to make the best decisions when it comes to software, but we will also help install and develop a project roadmap to give a visual timeline of the entire process.
Using the appropriate software is vital for businesses of all sizes to properly manage their operations, projects, and data.

Project Management
Design and Plan Projects in all-in-one cloud based system that is easy to use and extend to other employees.

Supply-Chain Operations
Enhance, Supplement, and Support your Supply-Chain Operations using cloud-based services.

Move your accounting and finiancial records to the cloud to have the general ledger all in one place.
CAM Integration
CAM or CAD software is the heart of any modern manufacturing business. Developing 3D models, creating molds, and easy manufacture of designs, are all important skills to have when in the world of manufacturing, but integration of this software can be difficult.
Enter TechCentric, we are able to evaluate the needs of your business and determine the best software and hardware for you to run your business. Once software has been installed, we train your team on how to use the software, and share parts of models for better collaboration.
Develop easily scalable and manufacturable wireframe models that can later be altered or changed by anyone using the best CAM software.

Make easily portable models that can be collaborated on, or be upload to the cloud.

Work on the same project or multiple projects together, now easier than ever.

All software is installed for ease-of-use, and on applicable hardware in your business.
Compliancy Audits
Compliancy Audits are tricky to navigate, have TechCentric help you with the hardware and software part of it.
We have a long history of helping business maneuver compliance audits, by choosing the best hardware and software. Ensure that you are ready for any audits that come your way. Install and adopt compliance management software that is able to identify and promote suggestions to your most important compliance-based initiatives. Conduct mock audits to understand the compliance issues and resolve them soon after.

All our software and hardware upgrades follow all compliance status’s regulatory guidlines.

If you cross over with mutliple industries, no worries we are ready to work along side the regulatory guidelines.

Have questions or concerns? Feel free to contact our technicians about compliance-based questions.
Modern Workplace
A modern workplace is a new way of strengthening employees by giving them to best and up-to-date technologies to promote productivity, flexibility, and teamwork. Allow your employees to work from a wide variety of environments; office, remote, or on-the-road. Use cloud-based solutions to store, create, and share files and data to lower your cost of paper and office supplies. Give your employees the best tools and services, to promote success for your business.

Productive Workspaces
Working from home or in the office, we create workspaces that enhance productivity though the better connection of human and technology.

Distributed Office
Physically dispersed employees present many logistical challenges. We employ technology and expertise to foster functional unification of people and process, to minimize the impact of on the service quality of organizations.

Connect on Demand
Offering mobile employees, the ability to work securely from an unlimited collection of entry points. We implement secure on-demand VPN solutions that open the door to corporate applications and data, while maintaining industry compliant security standards.
The Success We Have Delivered
We have a long history of helping similar businesses using the same solutions discussed above. Click the Case Studies below to learn more:
TechCentric is extremely responsive on a number of levels. We integrate and install all technologies for all manufacturing devices.
We meet New England Electropolishing’s informational technologies needs, and stay in-touch with newest technologies to keep up with their needs.
We help manage West Elmwood Housing projects through the best selection of software and hardware technologies.